Wind turbines in the hills

Wind in Atlantic Canada

Leaders & Teams

Everyone at the table working together

Our team at Net Zero Atlantic includes subject matter experts supported by communications and engagement professionals. We apply our knowledge and expertise to support research, information sharing, and community engagement related to wind energy development in Atlantic Canada.  

Leading our portfolio of wind energy projects 

Sven Scholtysik, Director, Research 

Sven has extensive experience in research related to the energy sector. He works together with the Net Zero Atlantic team to coordinate and carry out research related to offshore wind energy on behalf of clients including federal and provincial governments. Sven is also Net Zero Atlantic's lead for the Capacity Building for the Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Nova Scotia’s Offshore Wind Resource project. He oversees all aspects of the project in collaboration with other members of the Net Zero Atlantic team and our partners. 

Also working on the topic of offshore wind are project managers from our team: Ryan Keating, Kiera Walsh, Gillian White, and Shannon Wood.

Connecting Experts to Projects 

We collaborate with custom-built teams of subject matter experts to conduct research on topics related to offshore wind energy development in Atlantic Canada. Our projects bring together researchers and other professionals from academic institutions, professional services firms, Indigenous communities, industry and non-profit organizations. 

Engaging Communities 

The Capacity Building for the Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Nova Scotia’s Offshore Wind Resource project is coordinated by Net Zero Atlantic with the support of Indigenous and community partners. 

Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq

The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (CMM) is a Tribal Council serving the interests of eight Mi’kmaw communities. CMM leads offshore wind energy engagement on mainland Nova Scotia with its member communities: Acadia First Nation, Annapolis Valley, Bear River, Glooscap, Sipekne’katik Band (Indian Brook), Millbrook, Paqtnkek, Pictou Landing

Coordinating offshore wind energy communications and engagement efforts with CMM is Zach Sabean, Renewable Energy Engagement Coordinator. Zach communicates with mainland Mi'kmaq communities about offshore wind energy and to build capacity within CMM about renewable energy engagement.  

Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources

Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources (UINR) is Unama’ki’s Mi’kmaq voice on natural resources and the environment. UINR leads engagement on Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island) within Eskasoni, Membertou, Potlotek, Wagmatcook, and We’koqma’q

Coordinating offshore wind energy communications and engagement efforts with UINR is Jim Wooder, Offshore Wind Community Liaison, Jim communicates with First Nations Communities in Unama'ki (Cape Breton) about offshore wind energy and builds capacity within UINR about renewable energy engagement. 


Cape Breton Partnership

The Cape Breton Partnership supports Net Zero Atlantic’s offshore wind energy engagement and information-sharing efforts in rural Cape Breton.  

Contact us

If you wish to collaborate with us on a project, contact us at