Project Events

Through various community events, project partners and community leads will carryout discussions and engagement sessions regarding the geothermal resource potential in Nova Scotia. See our upcoming events below to find an opportunity to engage with our team and learn about the community impacts of geothermal and potential economic opportunities.

Project partners have also begun hosting introduction to offshore wind workshops in communities. If you want an event in your community or have questions, please contact us here.

To add items to this page, Create a new Event Item with the Section set to 'Offshore Wind'.

Upcoming events

Register today graphic


Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Conference

September 23 – 24, 2024

This conference is commissioned by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. 

Past events

SH OSW Community Series Web.jpg


OSW Information Workshop in Sheet Harbour: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

October 12, 2023 5:00pm – 6:30pm ADT

Christie Chaplin, Rural Community Engagement Coordinator, Net Zero Atlantic
Tan OSW Community Series web October 15


OSW Information Workshop in Tantallon: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

October 15, 2023 2:30pm – 4:00pm ADT

Christie Chaplin, Rural Community Engagement Coordinator, Net Zero Atlantic
New Glasgow OSW


OSW Information Workshop in New Glasgow: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

October 24, 2023 6:00pm – 7:30pm ADT

Christie Chaplin, Rural Community Engagement Coordinator, Net Zero Atlantic
Antigonish OSW


OSW Information Workshop in Antigonish: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

October 26, 2023 6:00pm – 7:30pm ADT

Christie Chaplin, Rural Community Engagement Coordinator, Net Zero Atlantic
Yar OSW Community Series web


OSW Information Workshop in Yarmouth: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

November 28, 2023 6:00pm – 7:30pm AST

Net Zero Atlantic
Digby OSW Community Series Web


Offshore Wind Information Workshop in Digby: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

November 29, 2023 6:00pm – 7:30pm AST

Net Zero Atlantic
OSW CB Events


Offshore Wind Information Session Series

December 5 – 11, 2023

Cape Breton Partnership and Net Zero Atlantic
Shel OSW Community Series web


Offshore Wind Information Workshop in Shelburne: What could offshore wind energy mean for Nova Scotia?

December 12, 2023 6:00pm – 7:30pm AST

Net Zero Atlantic
New date for Offshore Wind Energy event in Lunenburg


Offshore Wind Energy Information Session in Lunenburg

April 11, 2024 6:00pm – 8:00pm ADT

Presented by Net Zero Atlantic Due to weather, this event has a new date and start time of April 11 at 6pm.

Past Events

Envirothon at Acadia University

May 24th, 2023

Net Zero Atlantic presented to student participants on the growing sectors of Geothermal energy and Offshore Wind development in Nova Scotia. NZA delegates then judged student proposals for future renewable energy projects in the province.

Pictou County Climate Summit

June 3rd, 2023

A representative from Net Zero Atlantic was present at the Pictou County Climate Summit to engage with attendees and facilitate conversations about the role of renewable energy in climate adaptation.