Answers and Tips for New ECT-NS Applicants and Other Program Information

Lead researcher Ravindra Kempaiah
July 25th, 2024 | Halifax, Nova Scotia

A new call for submissions is open and Nova Scotians with ideas for clean technologies are considering whether to apply for funding. Net Zero Atlantic staff are ready to answer questions via email to post answers for all to see.

And we have some encouragement and tips to share, too.

Why apply to participate?

The Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program was conceived in acknowledgement of the many solutions needing to be invented and of the desire for novel and adapted answers to be relevant to the individual provinces of Atlantic Canada. The Province of Nova Scotia led the way with an initial investment and the program is set to keep growing.

By applying to the program, you are taking part in a concerted effort to solve hard problems and opening yourself to professional connections. While getting your research out of the lab and into the market, networking is an important part of the program, too. ECT-NS provides a platform for your business ideas, elevating them to potential investors as well as opening your exposure to other researchers, entrepreneurs, and backyard inventors. Also, proponents find the program acts as a portal to the larger innovation space.

Top tip for new applicants

Link your project to the program's primary and strategic objectives.

A common characteristic of successful ECT applications is a clearly written explanation of how your project connects to the program's objectives. The primary objective of the Net Zero ECT Research Program is to encourage and fund the research and innovation in Atlantic Canada and in both private and academic sectors to identify and develop groups of promising, emerging clean technologies, approaches and practices that warrant continued funding from government’s technology incubation ecosystem.

Review the list of strategic objectives.

Designed by researchers for researchers

Common concerns about being funded are addressed in the structure of the program. As researchers, the ECT project team designed a program that addresses aspects we have often valued when entering contribution agreements.

  • Ownership - Lead applicants retain ownership of the project.
  • Creative license - The program has priority research themes in order to address local and pressing needs, however, they are broad, and you decide topic and methodology.
  • Independence - The ECT is designed to be non-prescriptive while purpose-driven. Net Zero Atlantic and proponents form a contract and then the project team works independently, including use of funds, scope, and schedule.

For entrepreneurs and backyard Inventors, too

Novel ideas and adapted technologies are wanted. Net Zero Atlantic recognizes that some ideas are born at home or at the office, separate from the halls of academia. If you or friends have a great idea to decarbonize our energy system, then we want to hear about it.

Consider taking your great idea to the next level.