Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum

Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum, November 18, 2024

The Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum is a time for researchers, academics, government and industry to gather for one day to bring forward relevant offshore wind research and development.

We will be gathering in Halifax, Nova Scotia on November 18, 2024, from 7:30am – 6:00pm AST at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel.

Register to participate in:

  • 1 day of R&D in offshore wind
  • Plenary sessions with R&D leaders in the industry
  • Over 50 technical offshore wind presentations


This R&D forum is commissioned by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. 
Stock image of forum participants

Forum Overview

"Shaping the future of offshore wind in Nova Scotia"

The Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum will bring together the leading minds in offshore wind R&D to Halifax, Nova Scotia on November 18, 2024, at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel.

The Forum will lead into and compliment the Marine Renewables Canada Conference, a three-day conference focused on opportunities and growth. This co-location of top minds and research is a moment for Nova Scotia to focus on the sustainable means to realize offshore wind potential.

We're meeting at the intersection of progress and success

Researchers and technical experts will assist leaders by sharing their insights to in the development of the offshore wind sector. As new strategies and networks are being established to advance development and sustainability in the North American eastern seaboard region and globally, Nova Scotia is set to be a significant contributor.

Our collective impact will be achieved as we discuss research findings, identify gaps in R&D, and fill these areas with knowledge. We will be prepared to keep pace and be ready to recognize the opportunities as the sector steadily progresses. 

  • The R&D Forum program will feature: 14+ sessions, 50+ speakers, 250+ attendees, and 1 day of concurrent speaker sessions, plenaries, keynotes, a student program, and poster sessions that will discuss every aspect of offshore wind energy under three main themes – environment, technology and policy and regulation.
  • The 12 session topics will include: supply chains, permitting, grid interconnection, socioeconomics, geoscience and geotechnology, environmental effects, resource assessments and marine spatial planning.
Stock image of registration desk and sponsor-branded materials


Play your part in shaping the industry.

With the latest research and development in offshore wind in Nova Scotia being presented and networking events for meeting with offshore wind researchers, the forum is set to drive Nova Scotia's offshore wind industry forward.


The R&D Forum is for everyone engaged in offshore wind

As a delegate you will have access to the R&D Forum sessions, plenary and keynote, a networking reception, as well as breakfast, lunch, and refreshment breaks. 

Delegate passes and fees*

  • Private sector - $375 
  • Non-profit, NGO, academic, and government - $250
  • Student - $50**
  • Student presenter - Free
  • Media pass

Important notes: *Fees do not include taxes or EventBrite fees. **Proof of full-time student status is required to be eligible for the student rate. Proof can be in the form of student ID or other official documentation of enrollment. Also, if you are a student who has been approved for the Student Poster Competition or Science Slam, your registration will be free. 

Media accreditation

Media credential passes are available to qualified media. Media access includes access to forum sessions only.

For a media pass, please contact Kasia Morrison, Communications and Engagement Lead at

Cancellation policy

Refunds will be accepted up to 14 days prior to the event. After that period, no refunds will be accepted. Noting that Eventbrite fees are non-refundable under any circumstance. If you are no longer able to attend, we encourage you to transfer your registration to a colleague, guest, or client rather than refund your ticket. Please email to change the name on the ticket.

No invitation letters will be provided

The forum is unable to provide invitation letters for registrants outside of Canada. Out of country registrants are encouraged to secure travel visas independently.  

Conference sponsorship


Play a leading role at the R&D Forum.

At the R&D Forum, sponsors have a niche market of delegates seeking products and services to advance their work. We'll help you get in front of the B2B stakeholders you are seeking.


We are offering a multitiered as well as an affordable sponsorship program

At the Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum you can easily match the level of exposure you are seeking to your budget. The range of opportunities runs from Platinum at $7,500 to Sponsor-a-student at $500.

By providing sponsorship for the R&D Forum, companies, organizations, and affiliates have the opportunity to promote their brand and gain exposure to all conference delegates. Our packages are designed to allow you to customize your sponsorship based on your budget and desired outcome. 


Contact us at

Sponsors Cox & Palmer, COVE, Belairdirect, The PIER, Clean Foundation, Stanhope Simpson, and MDPI
Stock image of forum participant holding a program of sessions


Join us as we dive into topics such as grid integration, the complexities of offshore wind permitting, gaining support through community engagement as well as environmental effects such as impacts on bird and bat populations and underwater acoustics.

Sessions focusing on specific topics relevant today

The Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum will provide four streams of technical advancement: plenary sessions which will span offshore wind development, as well as three specific streams focusing on technical advancement, environmental aspects, and policy and regulation. Sessions are subject to change until finalized, but may consist of:

Plenary Session

Keynote: Anders Grønbech Jørgensen, Energinet 

Stream 1 – Technical Advancement  

  • Offshore Wind: Grid Integration 
    • John Dalton, Power Advisory - Researching Paths to Market to Enable Financing for Nova Scotia's Offshore Wind Ambitions 
    • Kerry Higgins, WSP - Stating with the End in Mind 
    • Lara Stregger, Stantec Consulting - Challenges with Transmission of Offshore Wind into Onshore Grid 
    • Sergio Roldan, DNV - HVDC and the link between power transmission and lease area sizing
    • Kiera Walsh, Net Zero Atlantic (Moderator)
  • Metocean Data: Collection and Use 
    • Thomas Levy, NRCan 
    • Gerard Cavero Siscart, Vortex FdC - Extrapolating turbulence measurements to the long term
  • The Role of Geoscience in Offshore Wind Projects 
    • Chris Sangster, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables - Conceptual Developments and Preliminary Risk Analysis for Turbine and Transmission Cable Emplacement in the Nova Scotia Offshore Potential Future Development Areas
    • Matteo Niccoli, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board - Geoscience data curation and interpretation for Offshore Wind at the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
    • Jordan Eamer, NRCan / Geological Survey of Canada - Recent geological data collection and preliminary interpretations in support of offshore wind energy decision making on the Scotian Shelf
    • Grant Wach, Dalhousie University - Energy Storage to Support Atlantic Canada’s Offshore Wind Plans
    • Natasha McAdam, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (Moderator)
  • Floating Offshore Wind: The New Frontier in Renewable Energy 
    • Saverio Ventrelli, Siemens Energy - Offshore Floating Wind: Battery energy storage system supporting the decarbonization, the bankability, and lowering the OPEX of the assets.
    • Jean-Robert Fournier, SBM Offshore 
    • Anne-Marie Belliveau, Projectable Consulting (Moderator)

Stream 2: Environmental 

  • Offshore Wind: Affects on Marine Life 
    • Mohammad Asghari, Dalhousie University - Assessing and Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Offshore Wind Farms on Marine Ecosystems in the Canadian Atlantic
    • Kaus Raghukumar, Integral Corp - Modeling efforts to assimilate wave measurements into regional wave models and to examine the potential environmental effects of marine renewable energy devices
  • From Collision Avoidance to Habitat Impact: Assessing the Potential Effects of Offshore Wind on Bird and Bat Populations 
    • Megan Ferguson, Biodiversity Research Institute - Framework for Assessing the Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Energy Development and Other Pressures on Aerofauna in Atlantic Canada
    • Paul Knaga - Environment Canada-Canadian Wildlife Services - Assessing the potential vulnerability of offshore aerofauna to the emerging offshore wind energy industry in Atlantic Canada
    • Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Environment & Climate Change Canada - Mitigating Impacts to Birds and Bats from Offshore Wind Development: Available Evidence and Data Gaps
  • Co-existing in the Ocean: Research on Interactions with Other Ocean Users 
    • Karl Hanke, Baird and Associates - Navigation Impacts due to Offshore Wind Developments: Modelling of Collision and Allision Incident Frequencies
    • Ian Stewart, University of King's College - Recent research on policy and regulatory approaches supporting co-existence in support of Nova Scotia’s offshore wind development
    • Elizabeth Naugle, Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Stream 3 – Policy & Regulatory 

  • Research and Logistical Strategies for Future Development 
    • Martin Thomsen, Richmond County - Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence Opportunities Appraisal and Business Case – Summary of Findings
    • Courtney Harnum, Stantec Consulting - An Assessment of the Current State of Policy to Enable Offshore Wind Development in Atlantic Canada
    • Blair MacDougall, Waterford Energy Services - A Technical Assessment – Offshore Wind in Nova Scotia
    • Mohammad Ali Raza, Cox & Palmer (Moderator)
  • Bridging the Gap: Research in How to Gain Local Support Through Community Engagement 
    • Jennifer MacNeil, Cape Breton Partnership 
    • Celina Cunningham, USA Governors Energy Office 
    • Scott Skinner, Clean Foundation (Moderator)
  • Sustaining the Seascape: The Interplay of Offshore Wind and Fishing Industries 
    • Kevin Stokesbury, University of Massachusetts 
    • Kris Vascotto, Nova Scotia Fisheries Alliance for Energy Engagement 
    • Russell Dmytriw, Independent Consultant 
    • Melissa Nevin, Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs 
  • First Nations Communities and Offshore Wind Research & Development 
    • Darryl MacDonald, Potlotek First Nation
    • Patrick Butler, Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn (KMK)
    • Shannon Wood, Net Zero Atlantic (Moderator)

Subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when speakers are announced, and sessions confirmed.

Student programs platforming emerging research

One of Net Zero Atlantic's more interactive programs is the student-focused programming we feature at our events. Through the program, we are fortunate to see what areas of research are in focus for students at universities and colleges across Canada and to present these works to other energy transition stakeholders. Both program segments are open to sponsorship for those who feel the same way we do about supporting emerging research.

Student Poster Competition

Read the call for submissions to the student poster competition that is open until October 4, 2024.

Student Science Slam

Read the call for submissions to the student Science Slam that is open until October 4, 2024.

After we have selected participants for the student opportunities, more details will be shared here.

Atlantic Canadian researchers discussing a student poster

Poster Presentations

Join leading researchers and students in viewing technical posters on all forms of offshore wind research and development featuring outstanding projects locally and globally. 

Subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when poster presentations are shared.

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Networking Opportunities

Not all learning happens in the session room.

Network with other R&D Forum delegates, speakers, and technical experts, and make new connections through nibbles and nosh between sessions and at the end of the day.

Get to know each other in social settings

The Wind Energy Exchange Networking Reception on the evening of November 18 will be delegates chance to network in a more social setting. You’ll also have chances to mingle with delegates during the nutrition breaks throughout the program.

Our networking opportunities double as popular conduits for sponsors to express their leading role.