Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 70 results


Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Pro-Climate Behaviours

Characterizing barriers to and opportunities for achieving pro-climate behaviours in Atlantic Canada

January 2023 – March 2025

Reducing emissions by changing how we act

Determining critical behavioural interventions for enabling an effective transition to net-zero emissions in Atlantic Canada’ is a multi-year research project being led by

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Imaging Sonar Data Automation Feasibility Study

May 2021 – June 2022

Multibeam imaging sonars can be used to monitor fish and marine mammal presence and behaviours in the near-field of tidal turbine installations, including evaluating avoidance, evasion, and potential blade strikes.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

The Vectron2 Project: Turbulence Measurements for the In-stream Tidal Energy Industry

March 2019 – November 2021

The Vectron is a new sensor used for measuring turbulence velocity within a tidal turbine’s swept area.  The Vectron has been successfully prototyped, where next steps are to take the technology to the ‘industry-ready’ stage of development and the focus of this project.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

The Pathway Program: Validating reliable environmental monitoring for ocean energy projects

April 2019 – October 2021

OERA created The Pathway Program to solve a critical problem impeding the in-stream tidal energy industry: a lack of reliable and validated technologies and methods to monitor and report fish-turbine interactions in high-flow, highly turbulent environments, leading to regulatory uncertainty and i

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Participation in the Pathway Program through Development of the Platform and Cabling Solution

February 2020 – September 2021

The Pathway Program - Cable & Platform Development / Sensor Integration

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » infrastructures et pratiques exemplaires

Review of Nova Scotia Power Transmission System Interconnection Requirements

April – May 2021

Power Advisory was engaged by OERA on behalf of the Nova Scotia Department of Energy & Mines to review the recently released Nova Scotia Power Transmission System Interconnection Requirements (TSIR) and identify any gaps between recommendations made by Power Advisory in their August 2020 repo

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Automated post-processing, using machine-learning models; Automated analytical tools (that generate estimates of fish frequency, abundance, and distribution)

April 2020 – May 2021

The Pathway Program - Data Automation: Echosounders

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Environmental Monitoring System Development

November 2019 – April 2021

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Echosouders & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

How Does Sound Travel in High Energy Environments? Effectiveness of Acoustic Monitoring Systems and Turbine Audibility Assessment

April 2017 – December 2020

The researchers are designing and implementing a long-term acoustic monitoring program to support tidal energy development in the Bay of Fundy. Specialized acoustic instrumentation was deployed for a two-month period in Grand Passage to advance understanding how turbulence affects the abilit

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Field Assessment of Multi-beam Imaging Sonar Performance in Surface & Bottom Mount Deployments

March – December 2020

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Multibeam (Imaging) Sonars