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Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Energy Storage

Energy Storage Policy and Practices: A Nova Scotia Perspective

March – June 2022

This study examined grid-scale energy storage policy and practices both internationally and locally. The work includes a review of policy and practices in other jurisdictions, an overview of the province’s current legislation, and targeted discussions with key stakeholders.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Multi-Scale Turbulence Measurement in the Aquatron Laboratory

July 2018 – July 2019

This project has two primary objectives - to characterize the flow and turbulence in the Aquatron facility pool tank using turbulence sensors calibrated against a traceable standard; and to test technologies for investigating the horizontal variability of turbulence in real-world tidal channels.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Remote Acoustic Measurements of Turbulence in High-Flow Tidal Channels during High Wave Conditions

April 2018 – April 2019

Many of the high-flow tidal channels targeted for worldwide in-stream hydro-electric development are impacted by surface gravity waves incident from a large exterior basin (e.g. the Bay of Fundy/Gulf of Maine/North Atlantic).

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Turbulence and Bottom Stress in Minas Passage and Grand Passage

September 2011 – February 2015

This project aimed to investigate turbulence and bottom stress at two sites being targeted for in-stream tidal power development in Nova Scotia: Minas Passage in the Upper Bay of Fundy and Grand Passage, located between Brier and Long Island in the lower Bay of Fundy.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetacean Activity Patterns and Movements Pre- and Post-deployment of TISEC devices in Minas Passage

June 2011 – July 2013

This project aimed to conduct pre- and post- in-stream tidal energy device deployment assessments of marine mammal activity and to assess the potential risk for interaction with turbine infrastructure.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Cross Coupling between Device Level CFD and Oceanographic Models Applied to Multiple TISECs in Minas Passage

October 2011 – January 2013

This project aimed to develop a link between oceanographic computer models and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models in order to improve state-of-the-art modelling techniques used for resource assessments and tidal turbine siting for both single and multiple in-stream tidal energy devices.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Assessing the Far Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf

January 2010 – April 2012

The Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine system has a natural resonant period very close to the main semi-diurnal lunar tide. This results in the world’s highest tides and strong tidal currents in the Bay of Fundy, particularly in the Minas Channel and Minas Basin.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Assessment of Hydrodynamic Impacts throughout the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine due to Tidal Energy Extraction by Tidal Lagoons

January 2010 – December 2011

The researchers extended existing hydrodynamic models of tidal flows in the Bay of Fundy to simulate the presence and operation of a tidal lagoon project located in the Minas Basin.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Near Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on Extreme Events and Coastline Integrity in the Bay of Fundy

January 2010 – March 2011

Researchers quantified the near-field effects of power extraction on the resulting effects of extreme storm events and coastline integrity by implementing a spectral wave model to numerically simulate wave transformation for tidal current conditions with and without turbines.