Research Portal

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Sujets en rapport avec l’hydrogène » stratégie

Scoping an Atlantic Hydrogen Strategy

February – March 2022

Hydrogen is an energy vector that has the potential to play an important role in Atlantic Canada’s future energy system. While this role was recognized in two studies, Atlantic Canada does not have a hydrogen strategy.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

How Does Sound Travel in High Energy Environments? Effectiveness of Acoustic Monitoring Systems and Turbine Audibility Assessment

April 2017 – December 2020

The researchers are designing and implementing a long-term acoustic monitoring program to support tidal energy development in the Bay of Fundy. Specialized acoustic instrumentation was deployed for a two-month period in Grand Passage to advance understanding how turbulence affects the abilit

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Reducing Costs of Tidal Energy through a Comprehensive Characterization of Turbulence in Minas Passage

October 2017 – March 2020

Turbulence is a significant issue at every site being considered for in-stream tidal energy development.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » aspects socio-économiques et utilisations traditionnelles » Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs)

Marine Renewable Energy: Background Report To Support a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Cape Breton Coastal Region, inclusive of the Bras D’Or Lakes

June – December 2012

In 2011 following a competitive request for proposal process, OERA commissioned AECOM’s Halifax office to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for marine renewable energy in Cape Breton.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Tidal Energy Resource Assessment Map for Nova Scotia

March – October 2012

This project used numerical simulations and theoretical calculations to predict not only the power that can be extracted from the flow through a passage but also the reduction in flow through the passage.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » aspects socio-économiques et utilisations traditionnelles » Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs)

Cape Breton Tidal Energy Resource Assessment

November 2011 – October 2012

In support of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Cape Breton Region, inclusive of the Bras d’Or Lakes, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) units were deployed at Barra Strait, Seal Island Bridge and Carey Point to collect tidal flow information.  Potential sites for ti

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Assessing the Far Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf

January 2010 – April 2012

The Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine system has a natural resonant period very close to the main semi-diurnal lunar tide. This results in the world’s highest tides and strong tidal currents in the Bay of Fundy, particularly in the Minas Channel and Minas Basin.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » caractérisation et modélisation des ressources en énergie marémotrice

Nova Scotia Tidal In-Stream Energy Conversion (TISEC): Survey and Characterization of Potential Project Sites

October 2006

This study produced system designs for in-stream tidal energy devices, performance estimates, cost estimates and economic assessments for one site/device per state/province.