The project will develop a Carbon Nutrient Management Program (CNMP) software program to estimate, calculate, and validate carbon emissions reductions from farm practices. This software will support climate-mitigating practices, enhance soil health, and generate verifiable carbon credits aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Outcome: Creation and in-field testing of new software that generates carbon credits, aiding Nova Scotia in achieving its Net Zero goals through agricultural partnerships.
LP seeks funding to develop the CNMP software for our carbon model, CarbonCropping™ streamlining farm data collection to monitor sustainability practices, establish carbon emission baselines, calculate emissions reductions, and validate data.
LP developed CarbonCropping™ to encourage climate change mitigation practices that improves soil health and sustainability. The carbon market reduces the financial risk of adopting these practices. While data collection can be costly and time-consuming, this software will simplify the process, reduce costs and time, help farmers enhance practices that reduce carbon emissions, increase Net Zero opportunities, maximize carbon credits, and increase profitability for Nova Scotia farms.
Current agricultural carbon projects produce low-value credits due to poor data quality and high risk of carbon reversals. Our program focuses on avoidance and reduction practices, using third-party validation to ensure high data quality and low risk of reversals. The UN recognizes the most valuable carbon credits come from these practices.
No program prescribes activities, accurately tracks and verifies carbon emissions reductions from validated in-field practices, leading to low-quality data and unreliable carbon credits. This gap results in missed opportunities for agriculture. CarbonCropping™ and CNMP will provide a credible solution.
This Nova Scotia-based solution will:
- Contribute to NS Net Zero goals,
- Validate carbon emissions reductions calculations,
- Create accurate carbon baselines,
- Improve data quality through 3rd party validation,
- Increase agricultural sustainability practices,
- Provide IP opportunities,
- Allow farmer entry into carbon markets through offsetting or insetting.
Lead researcher: Lise LeBlanc, LP Consulting Limited
Team: David Pothier, Liberated Networks, Halifax NS