Research Portal

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Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Participation in the Pathway Program through Development of the Platform and Cabling Solution

February 2020 – September 2021

The Pathway Program - Cable & Platform Development / Sensor Integration

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Automated post-processing, using machine-learning models; Automated analytical tools (that generate estimates of fish frequency, abundance, and distribution)

April 2020 – May 2021

The Pathway Program - Data Automation: Echosounders

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Field Assessment of Multi-beam Imaging Sonar Performance in Surface & Bottom Mount Deployments

March – December 2020

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Multibeam (Imaging) Sonars

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Improved Analysis of Harbour Porpoise Sounds

May – December 2020

The Pathway Program - Data Automation: Passive Acoustic Monitoring Devices

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » infrastructures et pratiques exemplaires

Valuation Method for Electric Ancillary Services

May – September 2020

The objective of this project is to define a new, enhanced power purchase agreement (PPA) for use by NSPI or an independent procurement administrator when contracting with Independent (e.g., renewable) Power Producers (IPPs).

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » infrastructures et pratiques exemplaires

Value Proposition for Tidal Energy Development in Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada and Canada

January 2014 – April 2015

This study shows there is substantial potential economic opportunity in building a tidal energy industry in Canada. It indicates that tidal energy could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and create a new industry offering significant socio-economic benefits.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » technologies

Observations of Marine Mammals in Petit Passage and Grand Passage, Nova Scotia and Adjacent Waters in the Eastern Bay of Fundy to Assess Species Composition, Distribution, Number and Seasonality.

June – December 2014

This research project implemented a common mobile tool, database, and alert system for recording and acting on marine life sightings, while engaging coastal communities in protection of the marine environment and using crowd-sourcing to collect data for scientific research.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » plancher océanique, sédiments et domaine benthique

Testing of Temporal Monitoring Techniques for Benthic Habitat Impacts of Tidal Energy Developments

September 2011 – November 2014

This project tested and developed monitoring procedures for assessing the impact of the placement of in-stream tidal devices (e.g. turbines, cables and other seafloor hardware) on the seafloor environment.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » plancher océanique, sédiments et domaine benthique

Implications of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sedimentary Processes within Shallow Intertidal Environments

September 2011 – April 2014

This project assessed the implications of tidal energy extraction on sedimentary processes within shallow inter-tidal ecosystems.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » infrastructures et pratiques exemplaires

Nova Scotia Tidal Energy Symposium - Small Tidal Workshop

July 2011

As part of the two-day Nova Scotia Tidal Symposium: Getting Power to Market held on July 7 and 8, 2011, the Province of Nova Scotia hosted a half-day small-scale tidal workshop. This workshop included a gap analysis for small-scale in-stream tidal technology.