Research Portal

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Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » études de faisabilité

The importance of ESG reporting for Nova Scotia’s energy sector supply chain

March – May 2022

Demonstrating commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles and reporting has become an integral part of partner selection and investment decision making processes in many industries and jurisdictions.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » études de faisabilité

Energy Storage Policy and Practices

March – May 2022

To accommodate expanded renewable energy production and accelerated coal plant closures, Nova Scotia’s electricity grid will require additional resources that can store energy and provide reliability.  In this context, a comprehensive understanding of the policy and practices that can be use

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » infrastructures et pratiques exemplaires

A Framework for Environmental Risk Assessment and Decision-Making for Tidal Energy Development in Canada

March – May 2012

There is still a high degree of uncertainty regarding the environmental implications of in-stream tidal energy initiatives. This report outlines a science-based environmental risk assessment and decision-making framework for the emergent in-stream tidal energy industry.

Faits marquants sur l’énergie marémotrice » infrastructures et pratiques exemplaires

Renewable Generation Supply Chain Opportunities in Atlantic Canada

January 2012

This report explores the following questions in relation to onshore wind, offshore wind, tidal energy, biomass energy and systems to power remote on- and off-grid communities: