Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 43 results


Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » énergie éolienne

Atlantic Canada Offshore Wind Grid Integration and Transmission Study

March 2024 – March 2026

The Study is a $6-million-dollar research project funded by the Energy Innovation Program (EIP) - a program managed by NRCan’s Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD) focused on advancing clean energy technologies to both support Canada’s climate change targets as well as to support the

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Programme de recherche du Nouveau-Brunswick sur les nouveaux concepts et technologies (NCT) zéro émissions nettes

April 2023 – March 2026

Un grand nombre des solutions nécessaires à l’atteinte de la carboneutralité d’ici 2050 devront être inventées, mises à l’essai puis mises en œuvre.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Net Zero Emerging Concepts and Technologies (ECT) Research Program – New Brunswick

April 2023 – March 2026

From laboratory to market

Many of the solutions needed to achieve 2050 net-zero emissions goals must still be invented, proven and scaled up to commercial availability.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Net Zero Emerging Concepts and Technologies (ECT) Research Program - Nova Scotia

April 2023 – March 2026

Notice: The call for submissions has closed, on August 7, 2024, for Nova Scotia-based research. 

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » énergie éolienne

Assessment of Atlantic Canadian Ports to Support Offshore Wind Development

July 2024 – June 2025

Net Zero Atlantic has partnered with three offshore wind developers – Northland Power, Simply Blue Group, and Nova East Wind Inc.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Development of a methodology for accounting for carbon stocks in New Brunswick wetlands

December 2023 – March 2025

A summary will be added shortly.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Towards a Net Zero and Resilient New Brunswick Grid via Vehicle to X Technology

December 2023 – March 2025

Efforts to boost intermittent renewables and electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the New Brunswick (NB) grid will indeed reduce emissions, however, it will also result in irregular electricity patterns that are highly localized and volatile, thus threatening grid stability and slowing emission redu

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Developing a toolset to evaluate carbon sequestration in New Brunswick mudflats

December 2023 – March 2025

Mudflats are a globally common intertidal ecosystem, typically located seaward of salt marshes and beaches.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

IoT-Driven Modeling System for Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Canadian Agriculture Sector

December 2023 – March 2025

"Agriculture significantly fuels anthropogenic global warming and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions could play a significant role in mitigating climate change. In 2020, agriculture contributed about 8.2% (55 Mt CO2 eq) to Canada's total GHG emissions.

Sujets en rapport avec les technologies propres » Emerging Concepts and Technologies Research Program

Novel high-performance opto-chromic sensing technology for visible detection of hydrogen leaks in pipelines and storage

December 2023 – March 2025

Hydrogen is a high-in-demand carbon-free alternative to fossil fuels. However, the low heat of combustion and flammability of hydrogen, compounded by lack of odor, endanger storage and transportation.