Status of study: In progress
The Study is a $6-million-dollar research project funded by the Energy Innovation Program (EIP) - a program managed by NRCan’s Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD) focused on advancing clean energy technologies to both support Canada’s climate change targets as well as to support the transition to a low-carbon economy. The Study spans three fiscal years (from March 2024 – end of March 2026), and has three main phases.
Three Phases
- Phase 1 of the project will evaluate the pathways to market for OSW. This phase will identify OSW capacity targets to meet market opportunities through three main avenues: domestic electricity, electricity export, and hydrogen production. Federal and provincial policies, as well as data from resource plans will be used to develop a baseline for a model to determine these opportunities.
- Phase 2 will focus on characterizing Atlantic Canada’s OSW resource potential and will evaluate and consider grid integration challenges as well as operational costs. Phase 2 will estimate the locational, technical, economic, as well as deployment potential of possible OSW sites throughout the region. Through further simulation, capital expenditures will be estimated for the integration of OSW. Using all the data and information gleaned from this project phase, a public database as well as a visual graphic interface will be produced, which will also aim to further OSW R&D for the region into the future.
- Phase 3 will develop a transmission expansion plan to integrate OSW within scenarios that include policy, new technologies, as well as key insights gathered from Phases 1 and 2. This phase will identify OSW platform locations, the Points of Interconnection (POIs) required, as well as the feasibility of various offshore transmission technology options. This phase will also evaluate inter-provincial sharing and export opportunities. Through this study, an analysis will be conducted to determine the required system upgrades, as well as transmission expansion costs. A multi-year roadmap and action plan will be developed which will be regional in scope while also being tailored to each province’s needs.
This study will develop a thorough understanding of the opportunities and challenges for integrating OSW into the Atlantic Canadian grid, both provincially and regionally (from both a domestic and export lens).The study will produce a public database and visual graphic interface with study results to further research and development of OSW in Atlantic Canada, and will also develop a multi-year roadmap and action plan outlining the key steps for the Atlantic provinces and region overall to continue towards Net Zero and integrate OSW into the electricity system.
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (Renewable Energy Policy)
- Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
- Government of New Brunswick government, Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development; New Brunswick Climate Change Secretariat, Department of Environment and Local Government
- Government of Prince Edward Island, Department of Environment, Energy, and Climate Action
- Maritime Electric
- Nova Scotia Power
As well, all Atlantic Canadian utilities have been invited to participate in the study.
The study has brought onboard several project observers, including the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NSOPB), ISO- New England, and the United States Department of Energy's Wind Energy Technologies Office to provide key insights to the project team throughout the study.
This project is supported by funding from the Energy Innovation Program, Office of Energy Research and Development, Natural Resources Canada.
Primary investigators: Stantec with E3
Project Manager: Kiera Walsh