Finite Element Analysis to Assess Fish Mortality from Interactions with Tidal Turbine Blades

Nick Fyffe

Nick Fyffe, Blumara Corp.

To date there has been a lack of suitable methodologies to investigate and obtain evidence that there is little to no fish mortality from collisions with tidal turbine blades. One potential solution to this problem is the use of computer modeling to simulate and assess whether a tidal turbine blade strike will result in the mortality of a fish.

Blumara Corp. has conducted a research project which uses finite element analysis to simulate the impact of a tidal turbine blade on fish and assess whether mortality of marine life can be expected in such an event.

The project objectives were to:

  • Assess whether finite element methods can be used to simulate turbine blade impacts with fish and other marine life,
  • Provide an indication of whether turbine blade impacts are likely to result in fish mortality, and;
  • Assess whether strain gauges can be used as a way to monitor fish collisions with a turbine.

This webinar will present the methodology to simulate a tidal turbine blade impact with a fish, and will discuss whether mortality is predictable through use of computer simulations and whether the use of strain gauges has the potential to enable monitoring of fish and tidal turbine interactions.