Research Portal

Displaying 21 – 25 of 25 results


Tidal Energy » Technology

Environmental Monitoring System Development

November 2019 – April 2021

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Echosouders & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device

Clean Tech » Wind

Assessing the Economic Impacts of Developing the Port of Sheet Harbour Into an Offshore Wind Hub

February – March 2021

Currently, multiple OSW projects off the Northeast US are under development. The OSW capacity in the US is forecast to grow significantly in the next decade with approximately 11 GW already contracted to be installed over the next years.

Clean Tech » Wind

Stimulating Offshore Wind Development in Nova Scotia

January – March 2021

To attract offshore wind investment to Nova Scotia, it is important to understand the development in other jurisdictions. If Nova Scotia developed offshore wind in its coastal waters, it would compete for investment against these jurisdictions.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Development of Acoustic Doppler Aquatic Animal Monitoring (ADAAM) for application to marine life movement in high-energy tidal channels

March 2018 – February 2021

Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) are a standard tool used for measuring ocean currents.