Research Portal

Displaying 31 – 34 of 34 results


Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Near Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on Extreme Events and Coastline Integrity in the Bay of Fundy

January 2010 – March 2011

Researchers quantified the near-field effects of power extraction on the resulting effects of extreme storm events and coastline integrity by implementing a spectral wave model to numerically simulate wave transformation for tidal current conditions with and without turbines.

Tidal Energy » Infrastructure and Best Practices

Marine Renewable Energy Legislation – A Consultative Process

September 2010 – March 2011

This consultation paper focuses on Marine Renewable Energy legislation. It was developed to guide legislation related to the renewable energy resources in the Bay of Fundy before large-scale commercial development takes place.

Play Fairway Analysis Atlas

January 2011

The original Play Fairway Analysis completed in 2011 identified rich hydrocarbon potential offshore Nova Scotia, with unrisked 120TCF of gas and 8Bbbls of oil in place. This potential has diverse characteristics and scales, which are described in detail in the Atlas.

Tidal Energy » Socio-economic and Traditional Use » Traditional Use

Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (Phase 1)

August 2009

A Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (MEKS) was conducted by Membertou Geomatics Consultants on the Minas Channel area of the Bay of Fundy. This is a comprehensive body of knowledge documenting the collective ecological knowledge held by the Mi’kmaq people.