The agrifood sector is one of Nova Scotia’s largest carbon emitters. As suppliers to large grocery retailers, agrifood producers are also a large contributor to their customer’s Scope 3 supply chain emissions, which can be responsible for up to 99% of total carbon emissions for the grocery sector. There are many options for agrifood producers to reduce carbon emissions - from energy efficiency, to fuel switching, to process changes and Nature Based Solutions - however the breadth of options are not well known by individual producers and there is a perception that it is too expensive to reduce emissions. Agrifood producers in Nova Scotia need access to the right data to help them make informed decisions so they can find, select and deploy the right low-carbon options for their business and help them remain competitive in the transition to net-zero.
Founded in Nova Scotia, Acuicy is the first fully automated business intelligence platform to give suppliers a wide-range of low-carbon options customized to their specific business operations, along with the financial business case for each option, including clear ROI and emissions reduction potential. We do this using deep data and AI and we generate a dashboard so their customers can track progress towards their Scope 3 net-zero goals in real time.
We have built our beta software (pre-commercialization, currently at Technology Readiness Level 6/7) for four initial industries, including agrifood, for easy to abate emissions and we have field tested the beta version with 20 large companies to date. As part of this project, we will add solutions for hard-to-abate emissions in agriculture and pilot our software with agrifood producers in Nova Scotia and a national grocery business in preparation for our market launch in Q3 2024.
Allison Murray at Acuicy Inc.