Past Webinars and Events

Displaying 61 – 70 of 135 items


ESG Basics for SMEs – Maintaining a competitive edge and export-readiness (Virtual)

December 1, 2022 9:00am – 1:00pm AST

This is an introductory ESG (environmental, social and governance) workshop that will engage participants in learning how ESG affects exporting, investment attraction, and bottom line risks and opportunities.

Webinar Series

Toward Clean Hydrogen Production: Atlantic Canada’s Domestic Hydrogen Projects

November 25, 2022 11:00am – 12:00pm AST

Hydrogen production for export has been a hot topic in Atlantic Canada lately, with studies showing that renewable and low-carbon hydrogen can play an essential role in meeting regional, Canadian and global energy needs. With continuing momentum from the Canada-Germany Hydrogen Alliance announcement this past August, the Atlantic Hydrogen Alliance is putting a lens on hydrogen production for domestic use in the region.

Webinar Series

Caribbean Ocean Decarbonization - Current Efforts and Trends

November 22, 2022 11:00am – 12:00pm AST

Please join the Maritimes Energy Association and Net Zero Atlantic for a webinar on ocean decarbonization in the Caribbean.  Hear from keynote speaker, Racquel Moses, UNFCCC global ambassador and chief executive officer, Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator as well as regional stakeholders on the importance of ocean decarbonization.

Webinar Series

Examining the current landscape for grid-scale energy storage development in Nova Scotia

November 17, 2022 1:00pm – 2:00pm AST

In this webinar, Power Advisory will present their findings from a study they completed to determine policy and practices that could support optimal grid-scale energy storage development in Nova Scotia.  Critical opportunities and/or challenges for energy storage development in the province will be discussed - including:  regulatory and/or structural barriers, potential ownership and development models, metering and interconnection requirements, and methods for assessing the value of energy storage projects will be discussed.


ESG Basics for SMEs – Maintaining a competitive edge and export-readiness (Halifax, NS)

November 10, 2022 9:00am – 3:00pm AST

This is an introductory ESG (environmental, social and governance) workshop that will engage participants in learning how ESG affects exporting, investment attraction, and bottom line risks and opportunities.

Webinar Series

Exploring Nova Scotia’s Geothermal Opportunities

November 3, 2022 1:00pm – 2:00pm ADT

Since October 2021, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (NRR) in collaboration with Net Zero Atlantic (NZA), has commissioned a number of studies to investigate Nova Scotia’s geothermal resources, assess subsurface knowledge gaps and determine what additional steps would serve to further de-risk geothermal project development in the province.

Webinar Series

The Hydrogen Rainbow & Water for Hydrogen

October 20, 2022 1:00pm – 2:00pm ADT

The webinar presents two topics:

Webinar Series

Investigating the viability and safety of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: an approach that removes CO2, combats ocean acidification, and could scale up to make a Planetary impact.

August 18, 2022 1:00pm – 2:00pm ADT

The IPCC is clear that avoiding the worst impacts of combating climate change will require both drastic emissions cuts and billion-tonne-per-year-scale (gigatonne scale) removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The ocean already takes up roughly 1/3 of anthropogenic emissions, and is by far the largest carbon reservoir in direct atmospheric contact. For these reasons, research into ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies has increased dramatically.