ESG Basics for SMEs – Maintaining a competitive edge and export-readiness (Virtual)

ESG Workshop Graphic December 1.jpg

Facilitator: Nancy Foran, ESG Partners  

This is an introductory ESG (environmental, social and governance) workshop that will engage participants in learning how ESG affects exporting, investment attraction, and bottom line risks and opportunities.

Today’s value chains are global, highly complex and multi-tiered integrated systems, comprised of various organizations, people, activities, and resources that may span multiple geographies and jurisdictions. Their complexity often leads to increased exposure to risk (i.e. regulatory, geopolitical, reputational, resource availability, natural disasters, and more), while also providing tremendous opportunities. In support of these issues, there has emerged a strong business case for public and private companies alike to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the core of their strategy and decision making.

Participants will be engaged to

• Develop a foundational understanding of ESG

• Learn about how ESG factors can influence their business performance

• Consider business case factors for SMEs in the context of risk and opportunity

This workshop is organized by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables and Nova Scotia Business Incorporated with support from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Net Zero Atlantic.