Presented by Javier Ojeda, HYSOVENT Sustainable Engineering
This webinar will discuss the different benefits of hydropower for electricity grids, including:
- Spinning reserve
- Supplemental or non-spinning reserve
- Black start, and black start testing
- Reactive power and voltage support
- Energy imbalance and grid inertia
- Load-following and flexibility reserve
- Grid frequency control capabilities
- Contingency and reliability
- Energy storage capabilities
- Renewable energy for energy-intensive industries
Javier Ojeda will also cover integration of hydro with wind and solar for a more sustainable, reliable, and robust grid.
About the presenter
Javier Ojeda is a Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer (NS, NL, MB) with 19 years of experience in power generation facilities, especially hydroelectric power plants, where he has held a variety of roles ranging from a Maintenance and Project Engineer to the Senior Manager of a Hydro Power Plant. He holds an MBA (Leadership) from Dalhousie’s Rowe School of Business, and as well, he holds other international certifications: PMP, CEM, and REP. With an extensive career in the utility industry, he founded in Late 2021 an engineering consulting and project management firm, Hysovent Limited, offering engineering and project management consulting services with a focus on projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives.