Green Jobs in Clean Fuels

Green Jobs in Clean Fuels graphic


  • Dr. Sherry Scully - Director, Workforce Development, Port of Halifax 
  • Dr. Michael Freund - Director, Clean Technologies Research Institute, Dalhousie University 
  • Jesse Cameron - Project Developer, ABO Wind 

Moderated by Sven Scholtysik, Net Zero Atlantic

You could play a pivotal role in advancing the clean fuel sector.

As the world transitions toward more sustainable energy sources, a skilled and knowledgeable workforce becomes essential for the successful implementation and growth of clean fuel technologies. In the context of hydrogen, which is gaining prominence as a versatile and eco-friendly energy carrier, there is a critical need for a workforce with expertise in various areas. This includes tradespeople who can install and maintain hydrogen infrastructure, technicians capable of handling hydrogen production and storage systems, as well as engineers and scientists driving innovation in the development of efficient hydrogen technologies. A well-rounded approach to workforce development, encompassing both practical and theoretical knowledge, is crucial to ensure the smooth integration of hydrogen into the energy landscape. 

Presented in partnership with the Atlantica Centre for Energy, Fuel 4 the Future, and Net Zero Atlantic. 

The Net Zero Atlantic webinar series is free and hosted in Zoom.