Research Portal

Displaying 21 – 26 of 26 results


Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Testing of Temporal Monitoring Techniques for Benthic Habitat Impacts of Tidal Energy Developments

September 2011 – November 2014

This project tested and developed monitoring procedures for assessing the impact of the placement of in-stream tidal devices (e.g. turbines, cables and other seafloor hardware) on the seafloor environment.

Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Implications of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sedimentary Processes within Shallow Intertidal Environments

September 2011 – April 2014

This project assessed the implications of tidal energy extraction on sedimentary processes within shallow inter-tidal ecosystems.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Acoustic Tracking of Fish Movements in the Minas Passage and FORCE Crown Lease Area: Pre-Turbine Baseline Studies

June 2011 – July 2013

This project used animal tracking technology developed by VEMCO, a division of AMIRIX Systems of Halifax, NS. The technology allows researchers to track animal movements and behaviour over a scale of kilometers.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetacean Activity Patterns and Movements Pre- and Post-deployment of TISEC devices in Minas Passage

June 2011 – July 2013

This project aimed to conduct pre- and post- in-stream tidal energy device deployment assessments of marine mammal activity and to assess the potential risk for interaction with turbine infrastructure.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Cross Coupling between Device Level CFD and Oceanographic Models Applied to Multiple TISECs in Minas Passage

October 2011 – January 2013

This project aimed to develop a link between oceanographic computer models and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models in order to improve state-of-the-art modelling techniques used for resource assessments and tidal turbine siting for both single and multiple in-stream tidal energy devices.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Tidal Energy Resource Assessment Map for Nova Scotia

March – October 2012

This project used numerical simulations and theoretical calculations to predict not only the power that can be extracted from the flow through a passage but also the reduction in flow through the passage.