Research Portal

Displaying 21 – 30 of 39 results


Tidal Energy » Technology

Data Analysis Component of Comparative Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) technology assessment

November 2019 – June 2020

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device

Predictive Modeling of Sandstone Reservoir Distribution in the SW Scotian Basin

March 2018 – April 2020

The SW Scotian Basin is considered an under-explored passive margin sedimentary basin, however, it is also the most probable location to find oil on the Scotian Margin.

Tidal Energy » Technology

Advancements in technologies and techniques for tidal energy development 

April 2017 – March 2020

This project was funded under the Natural Resources Canada Energy Innovation Program and supported research into innovative technologies and techniques to advance the tidal energy sector.  The research was comprised of five unique research initiatives with focus areas in environment

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Reducing Costs of Tidal Energy through a Comprehensive Characterization of Turbulence in Minas Passage

October 2017 – March 2020

Turbulence is a significant issue at every site being considered for in-stream tidal energy development.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Testing of 360-Degree Imaging Technologies for Improved Animal Detection around Tidal Energy Installations

May 2019 – February 2020

The research goal was to conduct a field study to test the performance of a new imaging camera system mounted on a floating tidal platform deployed in Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy.  Field testing featured testing of different camera mount locations on the platform in order to optimize fi

Tidal Energy » Technology

Development of High Performance Tidal Turbine Rotors

January 2013 – October 2015

This research investigated and informed novel and cost-effective engineering solutions to extract and deliver energy from tidal flows.

Tidal Energy » Infrastructure and Best Practices

Value Proposition for Tidal Energy Development in Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada and Canada

January 2014 – April 2015

This study shows there is substantial potential economic opportunity in building a tidal energy industry in Canada. It indicates that tidal energy could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and create a new industry offering significant socio-economic benefits.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Turbulent Scale and Wake Modeling on a Horizontal Axis Turbine

January – April 2015

This project aimed to accurately simulate turbulent flow over a scaled horizontal axis tidal turbine to resolve turbulence in the near and far field regions.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Assessing Marine Mammal Presence in and near the FORCE Crown Lease Area during Winter and Early Spring

October 2013 – February 2015

This study closes the winter/spring baseline data gap via deployments of multiple, calibrated C-PODs and an icListenHF hydrophone, for the deepest sites at the FORCE Lease Area.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Turbulence and Bottom Stress in Minas Passage and Grand Passage

September 2011 – February 2015

This project aimed to investigate turbulence and bottom stress at two sites being targeted for in-stream tidal power development in Nova Scotia: Minas Passage in the Upper Bay of Fundy and Grand Passage, located between Brier and Long Island in the lower Bay of Fundy.