Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 14 results


Tidal Energy » Technology

Participation in the Pathway Program through Development of the Platform and Cabling Solution

February 2020 – September 2021

The Pathway Program - Cable & Platform Development / Sensor Integration

Tidal Energy » Technology

Field Assessment of Multi-beam Imaging Sonar Performance in Surface & Bottom Mount Deployments

March – December 2020

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Multibeam (Imaging) Sonars

Tidal Energy » Technology

Improved Analysis of Harbour Porpoise Sounds

May – December 2020

The Pathway Program - Data Automation: Passive Acoustic Monitoring Devices

Tidal Energy » Infrastructure and Best Practices

Valuation Method for Electric Ancillary Services

May – September 2020

The objective of this project is to define a new, enhanced power purchase agreement (PPA) for use by NSPI or an independent procurement administrator when contracting with Independent (e.g., renewable) Power Producers (IPPs).

Tidal Energy » Technology

Development of High Performance Tidal Turbine Rotors

January 2013 – October 2015

This research investigated and informed novel and cost-effective engineering solutions to extract and deliver energy from tidal flows.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Assessing Marine Mammal Presence in and near the FORCE Crown Lease Area during Winter and Early Spring

October 2013 – February 2015

This study closes the winter/spring baseline data gap via deployments of multiple, calibrated C-PODs and an icListenHF hydrophone, for the deepest sites at the FORCE Lease Area.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Turbulence and Drag in a High Reynolds Number Tidal Passage Targeted for In-Stream Tidal Power

August 2013

Results are presented from an investigation of turbulence and bottom drag carried out in Grand Passage, lower Bay of Fundy.

Tidal Energy » Socio-economic and Traditional Use » Socioeconomic Studies

Community Engagement Strategies & Resource Guide To Support Small-Scale Tidal Power in Nova Scotia

March – July 2013

Community engagement strategies and a resource guide for stakeholders involved in marine renewable energy will support the success of marine renewable energy development in Nova Scotia.

Tidal Energy » Socio-economic and Traditional Use » Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs)

Southwest Nova Scotia Tidal Energy Resource Assessment

June 2013

This is an assessment of the in-stream tidal resources in Southwest Nova Scotia consisting of Shelburne, Yarmouth and Digby Counties.