Research Portal

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Tidal Energy » Technology

Imaging Sonar Data Automation Feasibility Study

May 2021 – June 2022

Multibeam imaging sonars can be used to monitor fish and marine mammal presence and behaviours in the near-field of tidal turbine installations, including evaluating avoidance, evasion, and potential blade strikes.

Tidal Energy » Technology

Development of High Performance Tidal Turbine Rotors

January 2013 – October 2015

This research investigated and informed novel and cost-effective engineering solutions to extract and deliver energy from tidal flows.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Turbulence and Bottom Stress in Minas Passage and Grand Passage

September 2011 – February 2015

This project aimed to investigate turbulence and bottom stress at two sites being targeted for in-stream tidal power development in Nova Scotia: Minas Passage in the Upper Bay of Fundy and Grand Passage, located between Brier and Long Island in the lower Bay of Fundy.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Turbulence and Drag in a High Reynolds Number Tidal Passage Targeted for In-Stream Tidal Power

August 2013

Results are presented from an investigation of turbulence and bottom drag carried out in Grand Passage, lower Bay of Fundy.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetacean Activity Patterns and Movements Pre- and Post-deployment of TISEC devices in Minas Passage

June 2011 – July 2013

This project aimed to conduct pre- and post- in-stream tidal energy device deployment assessments of marine mammal activity and to assess the potential risk for interaction with turbine infrastructure.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Cross Coupling between Device Level CFD and Oceanographic Models Applied to Multiple TISECs in Minas Passage

October 2011 – January 2013

This project aimed to develop a link between oceanographic computer models and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models in order to improve state-of-the-art modelling techniques used for resource assessments and tidal turbine siting for both single and multiple in-stream tidal energy devices.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Tidal Energy Resource Assessment Map for Nova Scotia

March – October 2012

This project used numerical simulations and theoretical calculations to predict not only the power that can be extracted from the flow through a passage but also the reduction in flow through the passage.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Assessing the Far Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf

January 2010 – April 2012

The Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine system has a natural resonant period very close to the main semi-diurnal lunar tide. This results in the world’s highest tides and strong tidal currents in the Bay of Fundy, particularly in the Minas Channel and Minas Basin.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Assessment of Hydrodynamic Impacts throughout the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine due to Tidal Energy Extraction by Tidal Lagoons

January 2010 – December 2011

The researchers extended existing hydrodynamic models of tidal flows in the Bay of Fundy to simulate the presence and operation of a tidal lagoon project located in the Minas Basin.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Near Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on Extreme Events and Coastline Integrity in the Bay of Fundy

January 2010 – March 2011

Researchers quantified the near-field effects of power extraction on the resulting effects of extreme storm events and coastline integrity by implementing a spectral wave model to numerically simulate wave transformation for tidal current conditions with and without turbines.