Research Portal

Displaying 51 – 56 of 56 results


Hydrogen » Feasibility Studies

Net-Zero Future: A Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Production, Storage, Distribution and Use in The Maritimes

July – October 2020

This study explores hydrogen’s potential contribution to the Maritimes’ sustainable development goals. It also provides a technical and economic assessment of the role that hydrogen could play in the Maritimes’ energy transition.

Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Seasonal Erodibility of Sediment in the Upper Bay of Fundy

February 2012 – January 2015

This project developed methods for studying sedimentation to the macro-tidal flats of the upper Bay of Fundy. The researchers looked at seasonal variation in the erodibility of sediments in tidal creeks and flats using a Gust Erosion Chamber and repeated grain size surveys.

Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Testing of Temporal Monitoring Techniques for Benthic Habitat Impacts of Tidal Energy Developments

September 2011 – November 2014

This project tested and developed monitoring procedures for assessing the impact of the placement of in-stream tidal devices (e.g. turbines, cables and other seafloor hardware) on the seafloor environment.

Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Implications of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sedimentary Processes within Shallow Intertidal Environments

September 2011 – April 2014

This project assessed the implications of tidal energy extraction on sedimentary processes within shallow inter-tidal ecosystems.

Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Impacts of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy

February 2010 – December 2012

Researchers developed a numerical hydrodynamic and sediment transport model for Minas Basin in the Bay of Fundy, focusing on the sediment dynamics of the tidal inlets and flats.

Tidal Energy » Seabed, Sediment, and Benthic

Effects of Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Intertidal Ecosystems of the Minas Basin

January 2010 – May 2012

This project assessed how the dynamics of sedimentation change when energy is extracted from a macro-tidal system. The differences in tidal prism and energy between neap and spring tidal cycles were used as a proxy for energy extraction by in-stream tidal power devices.