Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 9 of 9 results


Clean Tech » Geothermal

Phase II: Direct Use of Geothermal Heat in Nova Scotia

August – December 2021


Clean Tech » Wind

Access to US Markets (Offshore Wind)

September – November 2021

Nova Scotia’s offshore wind resource has the potential to meet the growing clean energy needs of the Northeastern US.

Clean Tech » Wind

Stimulating Offshore Wind Development in Nova Scotia

January – March 2021

To attract offshore wind investment to Nova Scotia, it is important to understand the development in other jurisdictions. If Nova Scotia developed offshore wind in its coastal waters, it would compete for investment against these jurisdictions.

Clean Tech » Wind

Assessing the Economic Impacts of Developing the Port of Sheet Harbour Into an Offshore Wind Hub

February – March 2021

Currently, multiple OSW projects off the Northeast US are under development. The OSW capacity in the US is forecast to grow significantly in the next decade with approximately 11 GW already contracted to be installed over the next years.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Assessing the Far Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf

January 2010 – April 2012

The Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine system has a natural resonant period very close to the main semi-diurnal lunar tide. This results in the world’s highest tides and strong tidal currents in the Bay of Fundy, particularly in the Minas Channel and Minas Basin.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Assessment of Hydrodynamic Impacts throughout the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine due to Tidal Energy Extraction by Tidal Lagoons

January 2010 – December 2011

The researchers extended existing hydrodynamic models of tidal flows in the Bay of Fundy to simulate the presence and operation of a tidal lagoon project located in the Minas Basin.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Assessment of the Potential of Tidal Power from Minas Passage and Minas Basin

October 2009 – September 2011

This project estimated the power potential of the tides and tidal currents in the Minas Basin and Minas Channel regions of the Bay of Fundy.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Near Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on Extreme Events and Coastline Integrity in the Bay of Fundy

January 2010 – March 2011

Researchers quantified the near-field effects of power extraction on the resulting effects of extreme storm events and coastline integrity by implementing a spectral wave model to numerically simulate wave transformation for tidal current conditions with and without turbines.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Nova Scotia Tidal In-Stream Energy Conversion (TISEC): Survey and Characterization of Potential Project Sites

October 2006

This study produced system designs for in-stream tidal energy devices, performance estimates, cost estimates and economic assessments for one site/device per state/province.