Research Portal

Displaying 11 – 14 of 14 results


Clean Tech » Energy Storage

Energy Storage Policy and Practices: A Nova Scotia Perspective

March – June 2022

This study examined grid-scale energy storage policy and practices both internationally and locally. The work includes a review of policy and practices in other jurisdictions, an overview of the province’s current legislation, and targeted discussions with key stakeholders.

Clean Tech » Feasibility Studies

Energy Storage Policy and Practices

March – May 2022

To accommodate expanded renewable energy production and accelerated coal plant closures, Nova Scotia’s electricity grid will require additional resources that can store energy and provide reliability.  In this context, a comprehensive understanding of the policy and practices that can be use

Clean Tech » Feasibility Studies

The importance of ESG reporting for Nova Scotia’s energy sector supply chain

March – May 2022

Demonstrating commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles and reporting has become an integral part of partner selection and investment decision making processes in many industries and jurisdictions.

Clean Tech » Geothermal

Phase III: Nova Scotia Geothermal Strategic Planning Proposal

March – May 2022

The Phase I and Phase II geothermal reports demonstrated that Nova Scotia needs to gather more subsurface data – in particular by drilling one or more exploration wells to further ‘de-risk’ the province’s mid-depth geothermal resources.  For these wells to be helpful, they must be located in