Research Portal

Displaying 21 – 27 of 27 results


Clean Tech » Feasibility Studies

The importance of ESG reporting for Nova Scotia’s energy sector supply chain

March – May 2022

Demonstrating commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles and reporting has become an integral part of partner selection and investment decision making processes in many industries and jurisdictions.

Clean Tech » Feasibility Studies

Energy Storage Policy and Practices

March – May 2022

To accommodate expanded renewable energy production and accelerated coal plant closures, Nova Scotia’s electricity grid will require additional resources that can store energy and provide reliability.  In this context, a comprehensive understanding of the policy and practices that can be use

Clean Tech » Geothermal

Phase III: Nova Scotia Geothermal Strategic Planning Proposal

March – May 2022

The Phase I and Phase II geothermal reports demonstrated that Nova Scotia needs to gather more subsurface data – in particular by drilling one or more exploration wells to further ‘de-risk’ the province’s mid-depth geothermal resources.  For these wells to be helpful, they must be located in

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Numerical Modeling of Tidal Turbine Behaviour under Real Turbulent Tidal Flow Conditions

December 2015 – December 2016

Researchers investigated and numerically quantified the behaviour of a tidal turbine under turbulent unsteady tidal flow, using flow data collected in the lower Bay of Fundy (Digby area).

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Turbulence in Grand Passage Nova Scotia: Measures of Intermittency

April – December 2016

Turbulence research is very important to advancing the in-stream tidal energy sector, however turbulence in general is not well understood.  Measurement at prospective turbine locations is essential prior to development, given the high degree of spatial variability between sites.

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Characterizing Tidal Flows and Turbine Power Production in Petit Passage using Oceanographic and CFD Models

September 2015 – March 2016

The goal of this project was to identify potential turbine deployment locations in Petit Passage Nova Scotia, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite volume coastal ocean models (FVCOM).

Tidal Energy » Tidal Resource Characterization and Modelling

Spectral and Structure Function Estimates of Turbulence Dissipation Rates in a High Flow Tidal Channel Using Broadband ADCPs

January 2016

Spectral and structure function methods are implemented to compute the dissipation rate, ε, from broadband, diverging-beam, acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data collected at four sites in a high-flow tidal channel.