Research Portal

Displaying 31 – 40 of 67 results


Tidal Energy » Technology

Imaging Sonar Data Automation Feasibility Study

May 2021 – June 2022

Multibeam imaging sonars can be used to monitor fish and marine mammal presence and behaviours in the near-field of tidal turbine installations, including evaluating avoidance, evasion, and potential blade strikes.

Clean Tech » Feasibility Studies

The importance of ESG reporting for Nova Scotia’s energy sector supply chain

March – May 2022

Demonstrating commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles and reporting has become an integral part of partner selection and investment decision making processes in many industries and jurisdictions.

Clean Tech » Feasibility Studies

Energy Storage Policy and Practices

March – May 2022

To accommodate expanded renewable energy production and accelerated coal plant closures, Nova Scotia’s electricity grid will require additional resources that can store energy and provide reliability.  In this context, a comprehensive understanding of the policy and practices that can be use

Clean Tech » Geothermal

Phase III: Nova Scotia Geothermal Strategic Planning Proposal

March – May 2022

The Phase I and Phase II geothermal reports demonstrated that Nova Scotia needs to gather more subsurface data – in particular by drilling one or more exploration wells to further ‘de-risk’ the province’s mid-depth geothermal resources.  For these wells to be helpful, they must be located in

Hydrogen » Strategy

Scoping an Atlantic Hydrogen Strategy

February – March 2022

Hydrogen is an energy vector that has the potential to play an important role in Atlantic Canada’s future energy system. While this role was recognized in two studies, Atlantic Canada does not have a hydrogen strategy.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Quantifying Fish-Turbine Interactions Using New VEMCO Tagging Technology

October 2017 – December 2019

This project tested innovative acoustic fish tagging technology made by VEMCO, a Nova Scotian engineering technology company. Their acoustic telemetry tags are expected to be more effective in noisy, high-current environments like the Minas Passage.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Integrating Hydro-acoustic Approaches to Predict Fish Interactions with In-Stream Tidal Turbines

October 2017 – December 2019

Understanding exactly how fish interact with tidal turbines is still a critical knowledge gap for the tidal energy sector.

Tidal Energy » Marine Life

Multipurpose X-Band Marine Radar Network for the Minas Passage

January – November 2019

Marine X-band radar locates vessels and features, including coastlines and buoys.  It filters distracting signals (eg.

Tidal Energy » Technology

Performance validation of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in a controlled environment

June 2018 – October 2019

In the past few years, the Nova Scotia tidal community has augmented its marine operational capacity, but some unknowns and risks still exist and the cost associated with such operations are high.

Tidal Energy » Technology

Developing Enhanced Marine Operations (DEMO) in High Flow Tidal Environments

October 2017 – October 2019

Conventional subsea remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) perform poorly in currents exceeding 1.5 m/s. This is a key operating limitation in the success and cost of marine operations in the Bay of Fundy, where current speeds reach 5 m/s.