Research Portal

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Clean Tech » Wind

Capacity Building for the Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Nova Scotia's Offshore Wind Resource

March 2022 – November 2024

Working together with our partners, Net Zero Atlantic will build local capacity in rural, Mi'kmaw, and other equity-deserving Nova Scotia communities so they can beneficially participate in any related impact assessments in Nova Scotia's offshore

This project has two parts:

Clean Tech » Geothermal

Community Geothermal Resource: Capacity Assessment and Training Program (GeoCAT)

March 2022 – November 2024

Working together with our partners, Net Zero Atlantic will build project development capacity for mid-depth geothermal energy-based projects in Mi’kmaw and rural Nova Scotia communities.

This project has two parts:

Clean Tech » Wind

Creating a Workplan for Offshore Wind Pathways to Market Studies

March – September 2023

Offshore wind electricity has the potential to (1) satisfy domestic electricity demand, (2) be exported to neighbouring jurisdictions, and (3) be used for hydrogen production.  It is important for policymakers, power system operators, electricity regulators and other stakeholders to understa

Clean Tech » Wind

Value mapping Nova Scotia’s Offshore Wind Resources

March – April 2023

Offshore wind is an untapped resource in Nova Scotia, which, if developed, has the potential to enable energy exports, stimulate rural economies, and contribute towards meeting the province’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

Clean Tech » Geothermal

Phase III: Nova Scotia Geothermal Strategic Planning Proposal

March – May 2022

The Phase I and Phase II geothermal reports demonstrated that Nova Scotia needs to gather more subsurface data – in particular by drilling one or more exploration wells to further ‘de-risk’ the province’s mid-depth geothermal resources.  For these wells to be helpful, they must be located in

Tidal Energy » Technology

Performance validation of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in a controlled environment

June 2018 – October 2019

In the past few years, the Nova Scotia tidal community has augmented its marine operational capacity, but some unknowns and risks still exist and the cost associated with such operations are high.

Tidal Energy » Technology

Testing of a New Turbine Blade Design and Blade Materials

July 2018 – May 2019

There’s not yet a standardized, optimal way of extracting power from tidal currents. That’s why many tidal industry technologies are currently being tested around the world.

Tidal Energy » Technology

Analysis of Tidal Turbine Mooring Systems in Turbulent Flows Applying the (Wind Industry) FAST Simulation Tool and DSA ProteusDS Software

March – September 2018

For floating tidal turbine platforms, the turbine forces and resulting platform motions have a direct impact on the lifetime of its moorings and cables. This means the tidal sector must predict accurate tidal turbine loading on floating platforms to determine mooring life and cable longevity.